A day in the Rhine Gorge

Hop-on hop-off through the Rhine Gorge

Explore the Rhine Gorge on foot, by bus and by train. Sometimes from above or right through, sometimes under your own efforts or from the comfort of your seat. On this day trip, you will experience the feral river landscape from different perspectives.

Starting from Laax/Ilanz

10.10 a.m. 

Departure by convertible PostBus from the bus stop Laax, posta. The journey takes you via Valendas village (with connection from Ilanz, departure 10.24 a.m.) and Versam along the Rhine Gorge with beautiful views of the canyon.

10.57 a.m.

Arrival Bonaduz, Zault/Rhine Gorge. Take the opportunity to visit the Zault observation deck. From here, you walk through the Bonaduz woods (Route 656) down to the Rhine and cross the architecturally interesting suspension bridge to Trin station. Time of the hike, approx. 45 minutes.

12.12 p.m.

In Trin, you hop back on the train and travel to Versam-Safien station. Arrival 12.17 pm. From Versam-Safien, in the middle of the Rhine Gorge, walk along the Rhine to Valendas-Sagogn station (route 656). Walking time approx. 1 ½ hours.

2.51 p.m.

The Ruinaulta bus takes you back to Laax from Valendas-Sagogn or you can just take the RhB to Ilanz. Departure 2.22 p.m.

Further suggestions can be found on the timetable «Rheinschlucht/Ruinaulta-Bus».



Einen Einblick über das Tun und Wirken von Terraviva vermitteln Ihnen die aktuellen und abgeschlossenen Projekte.



Einen Einblick über das Tun und Wirken von Terraviva vermitteln Ihnen die aktuellen und abgeschlossenen Projekte.
Cabriolet Bus Rheinschlucht
Anfahrt Verkehr
Rheinschlucht Aussicht

Robinson of the Rhine Gorge - 50 years on the Isla Casti peninsula

If you want to be inspired even more after an eventful day in the Rhine Gorge – whether you were traveling on foot, by train or by bus – you should watch the clip Robinson of the Rhine Gorge. It is an exciting story about the Stury family. For over 50 years, Anton Stury and his family lived as hermits on the Isla Casti peninsula in the splendid landscape of the Ruinaulta on the Vorder Rhine in Grisons. Peter Brosi and Josef Brunner visited the Grisons Robinson on his island in 1969. Watch the video here.